Welcome to Fabric Land, where you’ll find an extensive collection of high-quality trimmings to elevate your sewing projects. Explore our diverse range of trimming options, carefully curated to inspire your creativity.

Whether you’re embellishing garments, crafting home decor, or working on DIY projects, we have the ideal trimmings to suit your needs.

Our trimmings come in various colours ensuring there’s something to complement any design aesthetic.

At Fabric Land, we prioritise quality, so you can shop with confidence knowing that our trimmings are sourced from trusted suppliers.

Transform your creations from ordinary to extraordinary with our exceptional trimming selection. Shop online today and let your imagination run wild with Fabric Land’s haberdashery trimmings.

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Latest Trimming lines from Fabric Land. Our vast range of haberdashery accessories, enable you to produce unique designs that catch every person's eye. Inspire others with your customised creations and break away from the norms that prohibit you from making your signature statement. Along with workroom tools and equipment, there is an extensive range consisting of dyes, feathers, fringing, motifs, fastenings, snaps and poppas and plenty of others-delivering the unmistakeable feel of choice and that's all we want, to provide our customers with choice. So grab that plain blouse and funk it up with your individual stamp. Make your statement with what you do to the clothing you have. If you don’t find the Haberdashery you are looking for please phone our head office on 01425 461444 or email us on enquiries@fabricland.net and we will do our very best to find what you are looking for.